5 Star Dance & Tumbling Academy
2018-2019 Registration Information
Welcome to the
2018-2019 Year
We have an exciting year planned for you! This booklet is filled with information covering the entire studio year. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to someone in the office at your earliest convenience.
We request that you keep all communications for the studio year as you receive them from our office. You will be receiving information about your participation in our annual recital at the beginning of classes and again after January. We welcome your comments and suggestions regarding any of our policies or procedures at any time.
Please note that the parent watch weeks are made available for the convenience of our students and their families. The parent watch weeks are for watching and videotaping. We ask that you please respect the activities of others and the classes in session. Please only water or tightly covered drinks! If you use our books and magazines, we would appreciate it if you would return them to the shelves. Your courtesy will be greatly appreciated.
We request that you arrive at the studio with adequate time to prepare for class, parking, changing, restroom, etc. Parents, for your children’s safety, please be available to receive students when dismissed from class. Please call whenever delayed for class start time or pickup.
We welcome your comments and suggestions. If any parent/student wishes a private conference concerning your individual dance goals or financial concerns, please do not hesitate to ask. We are happy to work with you to ensure that your studio year will be one of pleasure and growth. The entire faculty and staff wish you a fantastic year of dance and tumbling! (Classes start Tuesday September 4th!)
Please feel free to check out our 5 Star Apparel that you can order online at
http://teamstore.gtmsportswear.com/5stardance (use store code 5678)
Registration: Registration will be Sunday July 29th and Wednesday August 1st from 5:30-8pm at the studio. Please try to register in person so we can meet with you and your child in order to place them in a proper class if you are new to the studio. Mail and e-mail registration is available for past students but forms must be mailed/dropped off by August 3rd with registration fee. Anyone needing new shoes can order online this year but if you are unsure of sizing please feel free to come in and get sized during registration and we will have used shoes for sale during registration as well. We will not be doing it during classes (this includes competition students). Classes start Tuesday September 4th!
Registration Fee: There is a $20.00 registration fee per child but any family with three or more students will pay no more than $50.00 for registration.
NEW: Shoes: Shoe sizing kits will be available during registration but all shoes will need to be ordered online. Some sizes will be already on hand for purchasing. Feel free to bring in any used shoes you are willing to sell along with a price and your name attached before registration begins. (Used shoes must meet guidelines for shoes used at studio or we will not re-sell). Shoes can be ordered from: https://www.shopnimbly.com/5stardance
Payments/Fee’s: Payments are due by the 10th of each month. A $10.00 late charge will be added every month it is late. A $25.00 charge will be given for returned checks. We do e-mail billing and send home late bills via paper every couple of months. If any bills become two months past due your child may no longer participate in class until the bill is caught up. All bills must be paid up by recital in order for participation. FYI we also send out many reminders and e-mail out papers we also send home in case your child loses or forgets it. It’s a good way to keep up to date with what is going on at the studio. We do offer 10% off if a year is paid in full when classes begin (must have a minimum yearly total of $500 or more) (does not include costumes/tights/other extras and cannot get money back if student drops classes).
Withdrawal/Refunds: Must be done by parent in person or over the phone. No registration refunds once a child starts classes. Students who drop out will not receive a refund for classes used or classes left for that month unless they have pre-paid for extra months. 5 Star Dance & Tumbling Academy reserves the right to terminate lessons with any student without notice due to high amount of absences, non-payment, and/or disrespectful behavior.
Recital & Costume’s: Recital's will be held TBD. Recital is held at the Rosemary Clausen Center (attached to the Ridge View School) in Holstein. There will be one Recital A and one Recital B on Saturday and a large recital for everyone on Sunday. Stage practices will be held the week before with dress rehearsal for everyone usually the Friday before at 6pm and pictures will be at least a month in advance minimum (TBD). Pre-paid tickets go on sale the end of March. Every family receives one free ticket per child. We will do sign up for free tickets in March and then once we know how many we will have for sale left for each recital we will hand out forms to purchase tickets. Tickets are sold by first come first serve basis once we open up for sold tickets (please be aware they go fast so do not wait to turn in your sheets). Tickets must be pre-purchased as we are not allowed to sell at the door. Parents who stay in the dressing rooms with their child and performers do not need tickets as long as not going into the auditorium (can watch on live feed tv). Each class will order a ready-made costume in October/November in price range from $35-$75. Complete payment of outfits is due within one month of billing for them so please keep this in mind when it comes to budgeting for the holiday). There is no additional recital fee. (NEW: as seen above we will be ordering costumes a month earlier this year in order to receive in time and for easier payment before Christmas time).
Classes: Students are placed according to age, skill, practicing habits, willingness to learn, and attendance. If we feel a student isn’t progressing as fast as or faster than other students in their class we will move them accordingly.
Attendance: Regular attendance is a must. Each student plays a role in the class as a whole. If you are going to be absent please call or e-mail. If you miss a class it is your responsibility to make sure you or your child consults another classmate or come early to their next class to catch up on the steps they missed. New steps cannot be taught again and again because it slows down the class and is unfair to the other students. If your child gets too far behind and is not catching up they will be moved to a less advanced class.
Music: It is very important to practice dance with music! We will send recital music out via e-mail for your child to practice. If you want a cd made you will just need to let us know and it will be a $5 fee.
Website and Facebook Page/Group: Our websites stay up to date and we keep lots of important information on it. The website address is http://stardancetumblingaca.wix.com/5stardancetumbling# . We also have a Facebook page which you can like with basic information on it or once you join 5 Star you can ask to be added to the group page where we give lots of notifications and reminders and you can ask questions anytime. Just look for us under our studio name.
Important Papers: We will send home important papers etc. with your child so make sure they have a bag and check it often. If you have e-mail billing we also e-mail a lot of the papers we hand out just in case. We also post almost everything on our website and we post reminders on our Facebook group page. It is your responsibility to make sure you get the information to anyone else who may need it that is involved in your child's well-being.
Bad Weather/Sickness: When bad weather develops we will try our hardest to inform you of cancellations either by phone (sickness) or e-mail/website/Facebook (bad weather). If OA-BCIG school district cancels classes or lets classes out early due to bad weather 5 Star automatically cancels classes. We will also have cancellation notices on the answering machine as long as we can make it to the studio. All classes after the first one that are cancelled due to bad weather will be made up, however, if a class has more than two classes cancelled due to weather they may not be made up but given a discount on your next bill (decided on by teacher). Classes missed by students due to other absences will not be given a refund. If a teacher is sick you will also be notified and these classes will be made up.
Care of Students: We are not responsible for your child outside of class time. Please do not leave your child for long amounts of time at the studio before or after class. If you are going to bring other children to class during parent’s week they must stay towards the back. If they are disrupting the class you will be asked to leave with them. Teachers should not have to stop class to deal with outside disturbances. Please be aware there is a bar next door to the studio and all students must wait inside the door until visual contact of parent/adult is made or parent/adult comes in to pick up the child.
Parent Responsibilities: Parents are welcome to class once a month as long as they are quiet and courteous (sheets telling parents watch weeks is attached and one will be hanging in stairway and extras will be next to bill pay box). All cell phones’ must be turned off or put on silent and talking must remain at a minimum. I especially encourage parents to watch every month if their child is 8 and under. This way you know what is going on in class and you can videotape or take notes of new steps for your child to practice at home. Please pick up after yourself and your child.
Please have a dance bag with your child’s name/initials marked on it as well as all shoes marked with initials. Reminder to always have your child’s hair pulled back for class.
1. Pom: you must purchase a pair of pom’s from the studio (we use the same pom’s every year and order after Christmas as they do not need them until closer to recital). Black slip on jazz shoes. Jazz pants, capri’s or booty shorts. Tight fitting tank tops or sports bra's must be worn because pom does focus on the arms so they must be seen. No loose t-shirts, sweatshirts or baggy pants. Students must be 7 or older.
2. Hip Hop: You must purchase hip hop shoes from the studio. It is easier to do hip hop in appropriate dance street shoes instead of jazz shoes they will be $35 or less/pair for non-comp students. Jazz pant’s, capri’s, shorts, sweats. Tank tops, sports bra’s, leotards etc. Students must be six or older and have had one year or more in jazz or equivalent (combo class does not count).
3. Jazz: Leotard’s, black jazz pant’s, capri’s, booty/boy short’s with tight fitting workout tank, sports bra, etc. No t-shirts or sweatshirts. Black slip on jazz shoes (non-comp). Students must be 5 or older.
4. Ballet: Tights, leotards (no non-attached skirts), booty/boy shorts. Pink ballet flats. Students must be 5 or older.
5. Pointe: Tights, leotards, booty/boy shorts. Pink toe shoes. Students must have taken three to five-years pre-pointe ballet and 11/12 or older and approved by dance teacher that they are ready. Shoe's must be ordered on own and fitted. Must still take a regular ballet class as well.
6. Lyrical: Tights, leotards, booty/boy shorts, jazz capri’s, tight fitting tank tops or sports bra’s. You must order lyrical shoes thru the studio. Students must have one-year previous ballet or take in combination with ballet or have taken several years of jazz/technique and be 7 or older. Must also take in combination with ballet or electives.
7. Tap: leotards, unitards, jazz pants, capri’s, shorts, tight fitting top. Black buckle tap shoes for younger students and slip on or tie for older students. Clogging shoes must be ordered online for clogging (more info give out later). Students must be 5 or older.
8. Preschool/Combination/Creative Movements: Tights, leotard, unitards. Pink ballet flats and black tap shoes with tap bands, buckle or velcro (no ties please) for combo and just the pink ballet shoes for creative movements.
9. Tumbling: Leotards, unitards, booty/boy shorts, sport’s bras. No t-shirts or sweats. No shoes required.
10. Boys: Shorts or dance pants and tighter t-shirts. No jeans or non-stretchable materials.
11. Musical Theatre: (NEW THIS YEAR!): Leotard’s, black jazz pant’s, capri’s, booty/boy short’s with tight fitting workout tank, sports bra, etc. No t-shirts or sweatshirts. Black slip on jazz shoes (non-comp). Students must be 7 or older and have had one full year of jazz as well take in conjunction with jazz or electives.
SHOES MUST BE ORDERED FROM FOLLOWING SITE: https://www.shopnimbly.com/5stardance
Please feel free to check out our 5 Star Apparel that you can order online at
http://teamstore.gtmsportswear.com/5stardance (use store code 5678)
Click on Star for Registration Forms